Cycle Maintenance

Keeping your bike in good condition is essential for a safe and enjoyable ride. If you are interested in learning how to maintain your bike, our cycle maintenance course is just what you need. This hands-on course covers the basics of bike maintenance, including punctures and wheels, brakes, and gears. We have restructured the course to run over four weeks, with each week focusing on a particular aspect of bike maintenance.

Week 1: Basic M Check

Tuesday June 6th: 7pm – 9pm

The course starts with a short talk on the basics of bike maintenance, followed by a hands-on session on the basic M check. You will learn how to check your bike for damage, loose or worn components, and ensure everything is in good working order. This session is crucial for identifying potential problems before they become major issues.

Week 2: Punctures and Wheels

Tuesday June 13th: 7pm – 9pm

In the second week, we will focus on punctures and wheels. You will learn how to remove a wheel, check for leaks, and how to patch it up. This session is a must for anyone who wants to be able to fix a puncture quickly and efficiently while out on a ride.

Week 3: Brakes

Tuesday June 20th: 7pm – 9pm

Week three of the course will focus on brakes. We’ll look at different types of braking systems you might see on your bike. You will learn how to adjust your brakes and check for wear. This session is essential for ensuring your brakes are working correctly and safely in all weathers.

Week 4: Gears

Tuesday June 27th: 7pm – 9pm

Finally, in week four, we will focus on gears. You will learn how to adjust your gears and how to get the most from them. This session is essential for ensuring you have a smooth and efficient ride.

Our Trainers…

Our knowledgeable team will share their experience of everyday commuting and leisure riding, giving you the confidence to have a go at maintaining your own bike. The course is hands-on, and you will have the opportunity to practice what you have learned on your own bike or one of ours. After the course, you are welcome to come to our Bike Shed and use our tools to practice your new skills.

Price Per Session

The course costs £5 per session, and there are 4 sessions in total. You can book a place on the course by emailing Tea, coffee, and biscuits will be provided, so all you need to bring is yourself, some comfortable clothes, and a willingness to learn.

You are welcome to bring your own bike to use in the demonstrations and to help you get familiar with it. We will also have demonstration bikes on hand if you would prefer not to use your own.

By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and confidence to maintain your bike and avoid costly bills. Cycling is a fantastic way to get around, and we want to make sure you can get on your bike and get on with life, safely and confidently.

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